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Yesterday when checking my mail I was pleased and gratified to receive a wonderfully soft package in my normal mailbox. I ripped into the wrapping soon after and discovered a wonderfully kawaii (cute) Hello Kitty plushie with brown eyes and whiskers in a strawberry outfit! I adore strawberries and seeing Hello Kitty as a strawberry is just plain marvelous!

Thank you ever so much to my Plushie Secret Santa for expanding my Hello Kitty collection with an awesome Hello Kitty doll from Japan (it even says for sale in Japan only). I really adore it! It reminds me of my youth (back when Hello Kitty wasn't such a big deal in North America) when my Grandmother would get Japanese toys and other goodies sent to her from family in Japan which she would send my way as gifts.

Really, thank you. :)

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Gift Details

Plushies 2014