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We have deployed a new major version of the platform (v7). In order to log in, you will need to reset your password.

Oddly, while my package says that I owe customs and duty charges of more than $11, they didn't tell me to pay it when I picked it up today. Hopefully they still won't ask me to pay it later on. We'll see. I doubt I'll be so lucky.

But yes, I did indeed finally get my T-shirt gift -- a slight delay on my part due to being ill last week and unable to go pick up the package earlier. I really do like this shirt -- it includes my favorite doctor, companion, and villain, but of course not all my other favorite characters. It was designed by PixelPower if you are interested in determining who all the characters in it are! I also like the fact that the material is rather soft and a colour I don't yet already own too much of! :) Thanks for a great gift!

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Gift Details

T-shirt 2014