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THIS was NOT what I expected. Not in my wildest of dreams would I have expected so large of a box of wonderful heavy surprises! And I adore them! My goodness, my Tim Burton Santa went ABOVE AND BEYOND what was expected to gift me this trip through the Chocolate Factory with gifts inspired by Charlie's voyage! Complete with an Oompa Loompa too! I now have enough sugar to last me YEARS (literally -- I go through sweets slowly, though I do adore them).

It was interesting: the mail delivery person buzzed my apartment but didn't come to deliver this HUGE box until a bit later in my day and I was surprised at the size and value (as listed on the customs form).

And then I opened it and discovered that I was to be taken on a trip through my Chocolate Factory a la Tim Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory complete with a golden ticket, a squirrel, awesome retro glasses, candy making tools, a cotton candy sheep, and more! I adore the touch of humor provided by the toothbrush at the end -- it's totally the Tim Burton movie!

Thanks again for all of the awesome that this gift provides! I'm ever so thankful! You made me laugh so very much!

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Tim Burton