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So I come home from a meeting this evening pretty tired from a long day of work, a long walk and a great meeting... and I notice a brown envelope peaking out from beneath my door... lo and behold it's from Amazon UK! Yes, indeedy, I got an amazing Avenue Q soundtrack from my Jim Henson match! Avenue Q is by far one of my most favorite musicals: I've been listening to the soundtrack for years and years, and last summer I saw it performed at the Arts Club in Vancouver when I went and visited! I'm also really excited for when it comes to town and is performed next year too! I'm so looking forward to listening to the soundtrack in its entirety over and over! I love how the booklet has all the lyrics to the songs too.

And then I went to get my mail from my actual mailbox. And stuffed inside was a soft package within which I found Grover! Grover is awesome -- he was a huge part of my childhood -- so I'm really pleased to see him and happy that the age recommendation on the toy (12 months to 4 years) was disregarded to give me such an awesome gift!

Thank you ever so much to my Santa for making my day so much happier!

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Jim Henson