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I was excited to return from volunteering at a leadership weekend for high school students to open a package from my Harry Potter Secret Santa! And I was happy enough to put on the t-shirt immediately: it's very comfy (and means I won't have to do laundry QUITE as soon this time! Thanks for the T-shirt!

Then yesterday as I returned home utterly exhausted I was greeted with a small package containing, yes, a time turner! It's a very pretty necklace, which I will happily wear on occasion though I doubt that it will be durable enough for daily wear. Someday I'd love to get a fancier one (it is of course an impossibility to get an actual time turner that works, though I long for one, always!), but in the meantime, I'm quite pleased with this, and look forward to wearing it proudly! Perhaps when I visit the Harry Potter exhibit, or when I next attend a Harry Potter club event?

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Gift Details

Harry Potter