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So this gift took its time to arrive (which really does not surprise me terribly, this type of thing happens!), but yesterday on my return from work I found the package sitting by my door and boy was I pleased with its contents! Inside was a great t-shirt (which I immediately donned and wore out to the pub and then to board games at a friend's place), a fun version of Yatzee (and no I didn't own Yatzee at all before now, so having the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Edition version is mighty cool! Particularly as the TARDIS looks great atop my piles of board games). Finally I received a film that I had only ever heard of briefly but I had never watched or really known anything about it! I immediately sat down to watch it (before the pub etc.) and adored the story (particularly the way libraries, librarians and books are featured in this circus tale). As a huge Cirque fan and as a library school student this totally fits! I really loved this film and am so happy to have seen it! Thanks from the bottom of my heart for a great gift!

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Gift Details

Arbitrary Day PLUS 2013