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So it's pretty rare that I find a bracelet I find comfortable enough to wear for hours at a time, particularly while sitting at the computer, without wanting to take it off as it has gotten in my way. My left arm is bracelet-free due to a nerve injury years ago and most bracelets irritate it, and my right hand is used for mousing when at the computer desk, so I don't often wear bracelets, but this one is not only AWESOME but it's comfy too! I really like the way it looks on my wrist and the fact that Eleven IS my doctor is pretty awesome too... this ALMOST makes up for the news that he's not going to be The Doctor for much longer... sighs Thank you ever so much for a great gift!

UPDATED to add: I opened my mail today to receive gift number two! Completely unexpected as the bracelet was awesome enough on its own, but I love it! I haven't received a new washcloth in years and this one, I think I'll use and treasure. For now it's going to be on display in the washroom! :)

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Gift Details

Doctor Who (Almost) 50th Anniversary Exchange