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I got a packaged hand delivered to me by the postal delivery guy today, and upon a simple glance at the return address, I realized that my secret santa was someone to whom I had gifted something small before (I so wish I wasn't a grad student and could afford to give more right now, but I do what I can... ). I feel utterly spoiled knowing that I've received such awesome stuff when I was only able to send so little for the recent exchange for which I had this santa as my recipient... (no it wasn't the Disney exchange).

And I wasn't disappointed: the whole gift reminded me of just how much I really truly want to go to Japan next year (my Secret Santa went shopping for me at Tokyo Disney!!). Maybe I'll actually make it to Tokyo Disney sometime! I may need to brush up on my reading of katakana (etc.) to read the CD liner notes (thank you so much for the note explaining the other gifts: the notepaper for origami (I love origami, as I am half Japanese, I spent quite a lot of time growing up doing origami with my cousin) was self explanatory but the rest -- I can't say I had ever seen such before!) This is what I love about International exchanges -- occasionally getting unexpected awesome, particularly unexpected awesome that I can't get here!

I plan to listen to the CD (my favorite part of the gift currently) soon! Thank you ever so much for thinking so much of me and responding to what I didn't know I wanted! The music is so tantalizing right now, and it was hard to tear myself away from it to type this up and take the photos! But really, I think I'll treasure the CD the most! Thank you ever so much!

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Gift Details

Disney Exchange