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While the package COULD have arrived for me yesterday, the UPS delivery person apparently attempted delivery 15 minutes after I left my home. So today after work I was able to pick up the box, wondering what I might have been gifted. Easy gifts would have been items from my Wishlist, but I could not have been more surprised than this, really!

You see only yesterday we were describing George R. R. Martin at the pub, and while I've never watched Game of Thrones nor read anything by George R. R. Martin, I love the Paul and Storm song "Write like the Wind"... and I honestly never even knew this existed! I'm rather excited to read it, however: I've really enjoyed most graphic novel adaptations of prose stories that I've had the opportunity to read (though most graphic novels I read tend to be stand alone books, not based on anything in particular, I do have quite a few stories/books that I've rather enjoyed, or gotten hooked on that are part of particular universes outside the graphic novels that I've read).

I really look forward to reading this, and LOVE the fact that the person who sent it to me saw it in a bookstore in France which was why it was sent to me. I love what little I've seen of France on my voyages (yes I'm fluent in French, thanks), but more than that I love the fact that it's something new to me, that I haven't stumbled upon myself as of yet! I say thank you, thank you!

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Book Exchange 2013