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Oh my gawsh! So today I walked to my local UPS store (conveniently located one block away from where I live, so I honestly don't mind when their deliveries miss me) and picked up the first part of my gift (I hear there are potentially other things? But even if there's not, I'm SO DARN HAPPY with this gift!!!). You see, although the exchange was for makeup, my AWESOME regifter (and she seems darn awesome based on what I can discern both from her regular communications, her redditgifts profile and her postings on reddit) was having a hard time ordering what she wanted to get me and so got me this AWESOME CD from my Amazon wishlist that I've been wanting for AGES now!! Tim Minchin is amazing (and I was just showing a friend some of his songs the other day so owning them and not having to rely purely on YouTube to find the right examples is mega rad!). The first thing I did after opening it was to pop it in my computer to listen to it! It feels like an early Christmas present, as it's got my favorite Christmas song on it: "White Wine In the Sun" as well! (Note that I adore Christmas music). But yeah, I'm ever so thankful! This experience makes me totally think that redditgifts continues to rock!! Today I received a marvelous brush, some scented lotion and a eyeshadow paint pot! :) Thanks to a very quick postal service, I'm quite pleased indeed!

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Gift Details

Makeup and Nail Polish