Givin Gifts Logo
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Three gifts now have arrived! A cute squishy Hello Kitty Apple and Canada stickers!

I've already put it with the rest of my Hello Kitty items away from the cats' claws, but it really is SO cute! Thanks so much! I look forward to your other gifts as well -- this one arrived so quickly after you messaged, Carebear!

Oh woohoo! Stickers for my Postcrossing Postcards! Very small which will be great as they won't take up as much postcard real estate as some stickers do while still being quite excellent! This is helpful!! Thanks so much!

And some tiny needle felting kits with some great materials! Now those are REALLY cute also so I'm excited! I've not tried these kits before so we'll see how this ends up!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
All Things Cute

