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Perfect and perfecter!

I'm a bit late in posting this, but you will see why!

So I said cute for me was 80s and gothy and black lol, so my gifter hit it on the nail! Fantastic notebook (for spells and more) and I LOVE the Deadpool stickers, I might even put one on my laptop.

They also sent me a witchy hat that is a thick woven material, and not overly dramatic like Halloween ones (which are good, but not always practical). I collect buttons and other pins, and so looking at the hat I thought it would be perfect. It was surprisingly hard to get it close to looking like I wanted it to, and traditional buttons don't look good. But I finally got it pinned where it looks natural and there's nothing poking me in the skull. There's a few spots where I need to get a couple of pins in particular, but it is almost there!

I have a conference in March I will be wearing this to - and I'm one of the professionals!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
All Things Cute

