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Great first givin gifts experience

So - I was insanely bummed about Reddit gifts ending in 2021. I was even MORE bummed about accidentally missing the last Reddit Halloween exchange. However, missing that exchange led me here, and I'm so happy to say that my first giftee really hit it out of the park. The t-shirt I got is insanely comfortable (and I love the reference), the little sugar skull spoon set I got is adorable and will go great with my tea display, and oh. my. word. You really nailed it with the stained glass bat. I am a girmous fan of bats - I'm lucky enough to live in a area with a large bat population, and I love sitting on my porch at sunset watching the bats start swooping down. I've got little bats displayed everywhere (year round!), so this is such a perfect gift. Thank you so much giftee, and Happy Halloween everyone!!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
All Hallows Day

