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It’s the Great Gifter, GivinGifts!

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KBPT1998Oct 18, 2023

My Halloween GG is simply awesome.

They personalized my gift perfectly from preferences that I listed, blended a few of them, took nostalgia for others. It started with a beautiful Peanuts Halloween card!

  1. Peanuts throw blanket which will be perfect for watching Its the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! I always root for Linus because he is my favorite character, but alas he has yet to win!

  2. My favorite candies! I love Twix and Sour Patch Kids and this will handle my cravings for a bit!

  3. Peanuts Halloween spoon holder and a notepad where I can jot recipes or grocery lists and planning for the holiday.

  4. Some nostalgic Halloween toys- a vampire teeth, a spider ring and a skeleton. It’s important to say the skeleton because I can hang it- in grade school on 6th grade each of us had the same teacher and we made large skeletons to hang where we handed out candy.

I am very thankful for my thoughtful and generous Halloween GG! Thanks!


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