I can’t thank my Santa enough for such a fun box. I enjoyed opening each present and couldn’t be happier with everything. In fact, I had been trying for a month to get those Halloween candy coated animal cookies (Mother’s Eerie Critters). The stores by me have been sold out, so when I saw them in the box I was very happy 😍
I also love to paint and Mondo Llama makes super cute projects. I’m going to put the adorable puzzle together with my daughter since she is on fall break and then glue it so we can frame it. My daughter wants to “borrow” the clip for her backpack lol. I can’t blame her, as again my Secret Santa picked out something so adorably cute. Halloween to me doesn’t have to be all skulls and gross it can be cute too.
Last but not least, I can’t forget about the hot chocolate bomb and “ghost puffs”. The weather is starting to get cold here and tomorrow we might see our first snow of the season. What perfect timing for a cup of hot chocolate with a classic snack (let’s also not forget my yummy cookies too!!!).
So, I know my post was long, but I just wanted my Santa to know I greatly appreciated everything I received. I always share with my daughter when possible and these gifts are perfect to enjoy with her on this spooky kooky holiday.
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