My giftee was incredibly generous with their All Hallows Gift this year. Everything arrived nicely wrapped and included a very cute card which features two of my favourite things (snails and faeries!) It was quite clear that my gifter paid attention to my likes and interests as I loved everything that they gifted. Photo below of the candle they got me (which bleeds?!) I also received a nightmare on elm Street bottle light, nightmare on elm Street themed pencil case, some spell candles, a mixed bag of gemstones including some very cute mushy ones! Halloween stickers, spooky pin badges, halloween garland and what I believe to be Halloween confetti with gemstones and incense in a cute lil pumpkin bag. They also bought me another gift that unfortunately wasn't sent out to them so they bought me an Etsy gift card to make up for this which was so so sweet of them. Thank you so much Santa! I'm sorry the post doesn't include everything. I had to leave home shortly after receiving but I will try and update this post once I'm home!
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