I had a wonderful person that was able to not only send my daughter a few things, but sent me an anime that I enjoy and it's a collectors edition. While the gifts where nice what has really been more enjoyable is the notes you left saying my grandpa (her great-grandpa) helped you make her nintendo switch thumb grip storage case for her with his elves and santa himself, and that he also picked out her new slippers special for her. We opened them yesterday which was a rough day because it marked 1 year that he passed away before Christmas. She has talked non stop and showed everyone the gifts shes gotten and letters that show our grandpa helped santa and his elves "make them and he picked them out especially only for her" It made the day a lot easier I think for her thinking all of that and knowing hes still here in spirit even if he can't be here to watch her physically anymore. I really appreciate it all, and for including my grandpa not only for the idea of it but you have no idea how happy this little girl is thinking this when it was her first experience a year ago with losing someone important that was both like our father figure. (Mine passing away March 27th when I was 16 but not around when I was growing up a lot. And hers passing away March 24th before she turned 3 so she doesn't exactly remember him well) She even kept the little slips of paper and put them up even if she gets older realizing its a small tale I think it'll have meaning to her knowing someone included the idea of him which means so much. Thank you.
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