I thought this exchange would be a good experience for my daughter and I to find a new hobby. I also thought it would help me cope with losing my grandpa and taking my mind off of it, but something my daughter and I could enjoy together. I was expecting something of course, but I wasn't expecting this much. Since I've never done diamond art at all I was probably ill equipped. But Santa not only bought my daughter a diamond pack for her to enjoy that she said she was interested in and actually one of her higher choices (good guess), but also included a pack that I was interested in because of how elegant/fantasy like it was and just the sheer beauty of it. Plus the bonus of it all being sent a tool kit that I will be able to store the diamonds in, along with several tools that I would need along the way that I didn't have to start with. We hopefully will discover a new hobby my daughter enjoys once she gets into it because shes already been eying it since the package came from what she deems as her "secret valentine" now. But also it'll be a mom/daughter type of craft as well. I'm already planning to save up for a book that we can fill with different types of art like this. Hopefully one she will keep for a long time and can look back on.
Thank you santa we really enjoy our gifts. I really wasn't expecting as much as this at all not only for myself, but my daughter and the starter tool kit. It's something I know we can enjoy since she is already excited and we both like working with our hands, one of the traits I seem to have gotten from my grandpa. It means a lot and I'm hopefully it will take some of the stress away and just give me a mental break to focus on all this. I'll also after these are done likely find a frame to put them in as these will be very special since they are the first ones we've worked on together, so they are extra important in my eyes for the sentimental time/value.
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