I asked my gifter instead to gift a friend that has recently lost her SO and navigating single motherhood right now with their daughter to help with a cause for a pup instead. My friends pup was recently hurt and requires surgery, so we are fundraising at the moment to help combat the expense. Due to the place not providing a payment plan and wanting so much up front it's been stressing her out a lot. My gifter was kind enough to accept this request as I would rather it go to my friend and her pup because her pup has been a great asset to her mental health since the loss she's had to deal with recently. Thank you for helping my friend, doesn't matter the amount or anything like that, that's given or anything. It's the thought of it and willingly helping her with her pup that means a great deal to her and helps her a lot right now. I really appreciate it and donating to her cost.
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