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Belated Green Witchy Goodness!

I'm not going to lie, I totally forgot that I signed up for this and then didn't get anything. Life got the best of me and I completely moved it all out of my mind. And then this lovely, beautiful, amazing gifter messaged me to let me know they were my regifter and omg.

They messaged me the entire step of the way and put in 110% effort! The little shelf will be perfect for some of my little witchy bottles and crystals I haven't gotten up yet. I'm a big penpal-er and the stickers will go a long way to making all of my happy mail cute. And the little oracle set? Adorable and very useful for simple readings.

Thank you so much, register. You're an amazing human being and this was such a wonderful little surprise! May all of your cupboards be overflowing and your happiness and health abundant!

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Gift Details

May 31, 2023
Spiritual Exchange

