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MommamariaaAug 21, 2024

This is probably the best gift I have ever received from here! So much thought was put into it. I think it's also the fact that there's things she didn't know about me, that gave me sooo many good feelings and nostalgia. The stickers for instance, they look retro and reminded me of the many sticker book albums I used to have. No idea what happened to them. I love them. The sailor moon diamond painting! My half sister and I were obsessed with sailor moon but I haven't given it a thought in many many years. I LOVE CATS and the other 2 are kitties. The ballerina stickers well, I was so excited as my 5 year old daughter is a ballerina and in love with ballet, so those will go to her and I know her eyes will light up :) I do have a lot of the tools I received but my 5 year old is also starting to get into diamond painting, so some of those will go to her and she can have her very own, without sharing with mommy. She's going to be absolutely thrilled! My letter also came as some crazy origami and I loved it. Sorry it took me so long to write this, life has been absolutely crazy. But I just unboxed it all again and feel the same joy I felt the first time! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! :)


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