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Rematch Goodies from CatBroiler

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HalfcelestialelfApr 10, 2023

Massive Thanks to my Santa u/catbroiler and u/paradoxmo who manually rematched us together. Funny thing, I was Catbroiler's Santa so it's kinda fitting that they came to my rescue when the gift from my initial santa never arrived.

They gifted me two pens that were new experiences for me and I've been super enjoying them. The first is a semi-Flex pen, the"Vsign Stride" (my first foray into flex nibs) and my first everEyedropper pen, the Platinum Preppy. They also gifted me a cute pen stand, a couple of awesome notebooks, and a shed load of ink samples. (see pics for details)

As things currently stand, I have finished the ink that the Stride was filled with, and it is currently inked up with Waterman Black (the bottle is about 17+ years old - but this is the first time it has ever been opened) I have swapped the converter it came with for a refilled waterman long universal cartridge as it fits slightly better) I focused on using this one first as I was finding it was drying up on me a bit(when I twist the lid around whilst it is posted there is a bit where it sticks, and a bit where it feels loose) but it is fun to write with, the Preppy(provided with writers blood) is about 3/4 full at the moment, and I know I need to get in some silicone grease for when it needs refilling. Thank you for everything, it's been super fun to write with these.


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