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Sweet goodness from rematch santa

Updating because rematch Santa had even more cookie sweetness on the way. Another package arrived containing a dozen of the best chocolate chip cookies, this time all the way from California. So much thought and care went into this rematch gift, and the timing was perfect. We have been enjoying every bite.

Oh my! Such sweet surprise today when a package arrived all the way from Stern’s Bakery in Brooklyn, NY to the Midwest. Even more of a surprise was that somebody had pulled my name for a rematch. ❤️ Thank you so much for your kindness, rematch Santa. I received not one, but two packages of these amazing Fancy Cookies. They are so light and dreamy, with the touch of creamy chocolate and crunchy sprinkles, who knew a cookie could taste this good? This is why the photo includes just the one box, a little nibble quickly got out of hand as my husband and I each tackled a few cookies. These are perfection, and I very much appreciate the thought and care behind this gift. 💝

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Gift Details

March 28, 2024
Cookies and Treats

