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Perfection... Most amazing gift(s) of all time <3. Thank you!

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beccaseraph7Aug 27, 2024

Wow, I am speechless yet again! Every single item is perfect for me. I can't pick a favorite. As soon as I opened the package the koala jumped out at me and well... it took me awhile to stop cuddling her long enough to open the rest! I have had a reallllllly rough month after loosing one of my beloved kitties, hurting my knee and what seemed like everything breaking so having a nice soft squishmallow jump into my arms was like a much needed hug! She will eventually go with her squish collection but for now, she's going to be stuck chilling with me lol. I almost didn't want to open the other gifts because they were wrapped with this super cool Halloween paper! The first gift I opened was this adorable (not sure a skull dude would like me to call him adorable, but oh well he'll have to deal with it cuz it's true) furrybones to add to my new collection!! I didn't even have this one on my wishlist because I hadn't seen this one (there are so many I haven't seen them all yet) and I LOVE him! That teeny penguin is so freaking adorable. Next up I got some shoe charms and an adorable cat pin. I just got crocs and have been meaning to purchase some shoe charms, but with everything happening I just never went shopping, so I am super happy with these... my crocs will finally not be just completely black. Also the ones picked out were awesome! The pin is super cute to, I love all the colors to the kitty! The fun doesn't stop there!! I got a squishmallow clip which I love! I only have 3 squishmallow clips and I am liking hanging them on my hammock in the front to decorate it. Not only is another one welcome, but this one matches really well (hammock is purple and blue)! I also got this grab bag that says pickle or cat. I never heard of this before but I LOVE surprise grab bags.. I don't know why, I just do! I got an omelet cat in my bag... I'm going to have to look these up, because I may have found another obsession! I also got a huge flock of ducks.. I don't know how you managed to find yet more rubber ducks I don't have.. I guess I need to step up my game! My favorite of the "crew" is the candy corn one! I also got a resin heating pad kit! I actually have one heating pad, but I like to make huge batches at a time and it doesn't fit everything, so this will be a HUGE help. It came with a silicone pad which I really really needed as I attempted to make a mold on my extra ones.. and well it went bad and the stuff won't come off it.. so this was super needed. It also came with a top that took me awhile to figure out how to use (my other one didn’t), but now that I figured it out; I think it is going to come in handy! Almost forget, I also got some diamond paintings! I actually seen that exchange and debated joining it, but I have never actually done one of these before so I opted out since I wasn’t sure I would pick out “good ones”. I have been meaning to buy myself some to try, but never got around to it… this couldn’t be more perfect timing for these since I hurt my knee like I said above and I can’t move much (so I can’t do my resin since I need to move around for that), but I miss doing something with my hands, so this is a great time to give a new hobby a try! The pattern for both is also perfect for me (duckies and kitties); I can’t wait to see how they turn out! I also got an amazing sweet card (you did a good job making it!) and some stickers (I wasn’t debating pealing the ones off the box or anything….. lol)! I have no clue why I like stickers so much, but I do! I got myself a sticker book to keep them all in 😊. Thanks for everything Lady Christmas! Sorry for the long post, but seriously it was so amazing I had to mention every single thing <3. Until next time! :D


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