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Hobby, A Note, and Defense Light

My daughter got some brand new duel tips to try out. She thinks they are the neatest thing because she's never had any before. She also got a new sketch book to practice in which will come in handy with her new drawing book that she got from another santa since she was wanting to learn to draw. I also got her a tracing pad wrapped up under the tree to help her so the sketch book will come in handy with the new drawing book. She was also sent an important note including my grandpa helping pick out her presents, and keeping busy with the elves. It's made her even more excited about learning a new hobbie. Because she wants to send it to the north pole when she "draws a dragon from her book" because they both like dragons. It's really made her extremely happy considering the rough day she had when Dec. 17th hit between all the secret santas, and including grandpa which was an important part to her (and even me).

I also got a new mini flashlight turned stun gun which will come in handy that I can carry around since there are nights I close and we have some questioning people out in the parking lot. Some even getting a little to close for comfort. So it'll come in handy for protection just in case I may need to use it. And it's discreet so no one can really question it being anything other then a flashlight.

Thank you. Especially for the note and including my grandpa it has really made her christmas a lot better and made her happier/more excited because she knows he's still looking out for her even if it's not the way we specifically want. It's been needed, and I think helps her a lot right now which means a lot to me.

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Gift Details

December 21, 2023
One last secret Santa

