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A wonderful New Years Eve Birthday Gift!

So the birthday exchange from July was pretty fun/interesting but this year I didn't receive anything from my original gifter and spent some time rematched to myself (which was highly amusing if unideal)... but then my rematcher really spoiled me and I received the gifts on New Year's Eve so that's pretty rad, all things told! I got a neat craft (which is great as cat safe decor is really appreciated at the best of times and honestly I'm half tempted to bring this to work to decorate my desk instead... I'll have to think about where I want to create these plants! The stationery is great -- you're right so much is pastel floral and these will work well with my wax seals too, I think. Though the metal bits and bobs likely won't go through the mail regularly so I'll save those for extra special gifts. The pens are intriguing. Not sure how I'll use those but they'll definitely get used! Thanks ever so much for rematching this exchange!!

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Gift Details

December 31, 2023
July Birthday Exchange

