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Mystery Exchange Win!!!

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CeeCeeJan 26, 2024

My gifter was so sweet! They had actually been a gifter to me before and remembered some unique details about my family (culturally blended with Jewish and Christian beliefs, independently a bit more into all religions/learning about them!) So each item here comes from the Hanukkah Exchange! I'm so excited! The card is so beautiful and tells a story of a survivor as well as shares his talents! The necklace charm perfectly wraps up my upbringing and where I am currently in my journey. The ceramic piece is gorgeous and will added to my collection at work (my office is becoming my comfort center so yes I take lots of these gifts to work with me for mental health support!!!), to proudly display and I may even share treats with my coworkers!!! Thank you so much for thoughtful gifts and for remembering me!!!


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