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This is really helpful, thank you!

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1 of 5
The_Odd_OneOct 6, 2023

Edit: part 2/2 just arrived and I couldn't be happier! It's something I needed for a long time but somehow never managed to get for myself: a voice recorder. I am now able to record all my ideas while on the move. This little device is going to be my new best friend :). Thank you so much!

Just received part 1/2 (they were so kind to let me know) and am very happy with it. At first glance I thought it was just a notebook, but it actually is a really helpful book where I can insert my chapters, family tree, etc. This will really help me to structure my story lines, something I mentioned in my info I struggle with. Thank you for getting me this! I am looking forward to see what the other gift is :)


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