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EstilitaJun 26, 2024

My only wish was to help the only organization in Croatia that aids children in receiving the education they desperately need to find jobs and secure a better future. These children, innocent and full of hope, deserve the opportunity to attend school and later university. The organization provides them with essential school supplies: notebooks that sometimes cost up to 3 euros, pencils, pens, and even a modest allowance of 10 euros per month. All of this is funded by their own resources and the rare donations from citizens. My heart breaks when I think about how few people have the courage to donate, as it requires entering bank details. It is so sad and unfair that the destinies of these children, their hopes and dreams, rely on such a small number of brave souls. Every day, more children are left without the crucial help they need, and their dreams of a better future slip further away.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank every brave donor. Your courage and generosity give these children hope and light in their dark days. Your donation is not just material support but a sign of love and solidarity that shows them they are not alone in this world. Thank you for bringing a ray of light into their lives, for helping them believe in a brighter future. Your kindness will never be forgotten, and the gratitude of these little souls will be eternal. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


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