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Big Gifts for the Gifters 2023

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rokrchikNov 16, 2023

I am so freakin spoiled! I cannot thank my gifter enough! First off, I wanted these two books so bad. I found the first book in Goodwill almost by accident and devoured it quickly and then realized it had sequels so I cannot wait to start book 2. And my eternal love for Buffy the Vampire Slayer has been honored with a Buffy book I did not have and an awesome little bag to put goodies in. Not to mention the dog toys, which Tavish hugely approves of. My cats, Wesley Wyndham-Pryce and Winifred Burkle, thank you for their toy as well but weren’t keen to have an image of them enjoying it for the world to see. They have reps to protect and all that. In messaging back and forth I was also told about a Netflix series I had not heard of and I am really enjoying it, so ty for that too. What an awesome exchange! I love it all so much, I cannot thank you enough. Made my month!


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