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Sweetest Bookmarks Ever!

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aNoodly1Apr 10, 2023

Even the wrapping was a delight! Look at those packages tied up with string, they made such a precious display with the adorable envelope closure, I had to take a picture!

My gifter tried their hand at weaving a bookmark for the very first time, and wove leaves for the first time too. As someone who similarly tends to try all-new skillsets for recipients, I wholeheartedly empathize with the feeling that that first attempt 'wasn't quite good enough'. Well let me tell you, dear gifter, I adore my woven bookmark. It immediately brought to mind fond thoughts and famous artists, and it charmed me to my core.

These watercolor bookmarks on the other hand are made with such practiced skill! The thoughtfulness, attention, and care that went into them from concept to completion is obvious, and I appreciate every brushstroke. They are so lovely, I kind of want to frame & hang them instead of hiding them away in a book, and I just might!

And a lovely note in a beautiful art card too! Thank you again, to my wonderful gifter!


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