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DUCKS!!!! And a Neil Gaiman book too!

Oh gosh, this is my number one book I wanted to read this holiday season and I can't believe I now have a copy. Living in Alberta, it is the totally appropriate thing to read, I think. I also love Neil Gaiman short stories so this book will be great as well. Perhaps I will bring it to work to read once I finish the current volume I am reading. Oh my goodness the shipped gifts from your area of the world have arrived and I'm oh so pleased! I don't think you could have known just how much I adore Scandinavian licorice but I really do! It all comes from a trip I took to Norway back in 2011... regardless, I'm super pleased with the hand knit winter hat (we call them toques), and the licorice! I've been eating the licorice at work and it is lovely. Thanks again for being a great gifter!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
2022 Broken Forum Secret Santa

