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Thank-you Generous Gifter!

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KBPT1998Apr 10, 2023

I just want to say thank-you to my generous Winter Books gifter. Very communicative, very responsive and kind.

My gifter sent me a list of recommended reading based on my preferences even outside of my gift. I thought that was a nice idea to personalize things even more.

My gifter sent me a copy of Humans of New York Stories. I love HONY and have been following for several years now. I love reading the occasional stories for inspiration or just to get in touch with the human condition when life gets tough. My gifter mentioned it being a perfect coffee table or book to discuss with visitors. I couldn’t agree more! My gifter was very kind to also send a gift card for Amazon so that I could add some digital titles- because I really am trying to digitize a bit because of how many books I already have- easily 600+ between academic, cookbooks, collecting and recreational reading. So that was above and beyond!

My gifter also added a personal note and I am so thankful to have had them as my SS!


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