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A Slade House fairy tale.

Two books came in for me today from my Fall into Books santa, both in gift bags.

I had mentioned that I don't have Stephen King's new book Fairy Tale yet and one gift bag had a note on it saying that I had said I didn't have this book yet and they figured they'd give it to me. But when I reached into the gift bag, the book was way too thin to be a Stephen King book. Turns out that it was Slade House by David Mitchell.

Then I reached for the other gift bag. A thicker book. Much thicker. Obviously the King novel, so obviously the notes attached must've been switched whenever Amazon put the order together. In the attached note, which must have been meant to go with the Mitchell novel, my santa said it's one of their "fav creepy fantastical stories." Sounds like a good match to go with the Stephen King book!

I can't wait to get started reading. Thank you!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Fall into Books

