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A Careless Package?

A Careless Package?

The veteran Flagellant has survived the horrors of the crumbling Hamlet, the perverting sickness of the Crimson Court, and the incomprehensible madness of the Crystalline Farmstead. This is where most heroes would rest their scarred bodies and minds, but there is no rest for those who seek to redeem others.

The Flagellant trudges with his meagre possessions towards yet another corrupted town, drawn on by the deep foreboding seeping from the very land itself. He can feel the suffering. He will bear the suffering and give strength to others. He knows this time may be his last, but he is unafraid. Even if he falls, his sacrifice will save others. Those others will rise and meet the dangers ahead. He smiles through chipped teeth. Even in death there is life. Life is eternal. Life is the sacred flame itself. And he lives for the pyre.

One morning he awakens from his dreamless slumber to a nudge under his arm. He glances around his simple campsite. Someone is scurrying into the grass, quickly darting away from his bedroll. As he sits up he notices what was left behind: a small square parcel wrapped in brown paper. And inside? A single ornate gilded book filled with blank pages. The veteran Flagellant shakes his head, stifling a snorting laugh. Is this a joke? A mistake? This book clearly was not meant for one who had forsaken comforts of the flesh. No. It was not his.

He stretches slowly, feeling his joints pop and crack. As far as jokes go, he had seen far crueler. He would simply drop the book off at the next town. Certainly the book's true owner would take it up and all would be well. He paused, muttering a prayer. Please, let the true owner of the book still be alive....

Out of Character Explanation

This exchange was supposed to be care packages themed to whatever adventure we had chosen. A care package is a box of familiar treats and useful items meant to cheer up and help someone. My adventure was based on the video game Darkest Dungeon. I chose flagellant as my character class. I explained these things and left links about the character class so my gifter can find out more. My gifter thought it was Dungeons and Dragons. They also sent the one character class who has forsaken material wealth a shiny status symbol. It's the opposite of a care package for this adventure. A careless package? Well, at least it's not cursed. Hooray!

The first image is an illustration for the story above. The second is the actual book that arrived. I hope you enjoyed reading this post!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Adventure Care Package

