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Y2K - I Remember! Do You?

One thing I never expected from this site was to have gifts from random strangers bring back such fond.....mmm....maybe not the best word.....funny is more like it, memories! I'm not sure if my gifter even realized this when sending a hard drive but it reminded me of my little 10 year old self sitting in my living room on New Years Eve! Yeah....New Years Eve Y2K! Everyone thought the world was ending (haha) because going from 19xx to 2000 would somehow screw up computers and take down technology! People ran to fill up their tanks with gas and filled their tubs with water JUST in case! And, ofc, my parents had the New Years Eve party at our house that year! AWKWARD! Would we have turned to cannibalism (jokes) had all technology/electricity gone out!? Anyway, none of us were any too worried....but there always still was that 'what if'. We watched the seconds tick down in silence and then it switched over to 2000. Phew....back to the normal chatter! Anyway....this is going to be my little riser/stand for a mini Y2K scene that I'm going to put together! Thanks for the inspiration! And what are the odds with the matching address codes/numbers! :P

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March 25, 2024
Oh What A Year It Was!

