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A Night and Day Contrast!

I received two very different books for Massacre Day.

One is a very plain looking but very informative encyclopedia of Asian horror. It covers all kinds of horror-related topics from infamous books to folklore concepts to film creators. It's very concise and well researched, yet not dry. Overall a rather pleasant read. I'm looking forward to reading this book more thoroughly in the weeks to come.

The other book came with a fancy embossed cover and gilded pages. Inside is some of the silliest purple prose I have ever read outside of bad fanfiction. The author believes themself to be a mix of Poe and Lovecraft when really it reads more like an edgy high schooler with a thesaurus. I read almost an entire page dedicated to describing SAND and died laughing! This thing is going to be a decorative item likely to be brought out next time I want to do a badfic reading.

What a big contrast! Thanks, gifter, for the amusement.

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Massacre Day

