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Wishes Do Come True!

Merry Christmas Santa! My Santa did a delightful deep dive of my wishlist to get me a few things I didn't even remember I wanted which made opening up the gifts so fun!

The first package had two gaming gifts. First up a computer game called Elements which is a twist on the classic match-3 sort of game and will be an enjoyable activity to unwind with. Second is a Wii U game called Lego Marvel Super Heroes. I haven't played any of the lego games in ages, but I love them! Bonus, is that the Wii U is already the Nintendo system currently hooked up in the house because the husband wanted to revisit Mario Galaxy recently. This is going to fill a lot of hours over the next week as I take time off to recover from the craziness that is working retail during the holiday season!

The second package contained "The Cheerios Christmas Play Book." This was actually added on my list years ago to get for a new niece that was about to arrive. :p She's probably a bit too old for it now but I have a brand new niece that will be arriving in a few weeks that will be the perfect age for it when next Christmas comes around so this is perfect!

Finally, was a new addition to my wishlist after Santa suggested I add a few extra ideas. I LOVE sweets so I added some delicious-looking Peppermint Cookie Crunch Clusters. I can't wait to try this snack out while I play my new games!

Thank you so much kind Santa for these great choices! I hope you also were treated to a great wishlist experience and have a very Merry Christmas!!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Holiday Amazon Wishlist

