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This dress makes me happy!

Yes I might have been eyeing this dress for a while, but I never really expected it to arrive in the mail without my buying it myself! Lo and behold my excellent Santa sends this to me (in part as it supports a local artist which I think is great!) and I'm wowed by how well it fits, how deep the pockets are and how nostalgic I feel wearing such a great print. This artist is one I often enjoy when I go to craft markets but I rarely find anything that suits me so well as these wrap dresses do (I've now put more of them on my wishlist! It is so rare that I find awesome practical clothing that has good pockets and suits my desire to wear dresses frequently!). I love how the print celebrates geekdom and nostalgia all at once but also that it is so comfy and has great pockets. I'm pretty tempted to wear it to work tomorrow. And I'm pretty sure I'm going to get better at tying it with practice. I had to try it on tonight for the picture and I'm very glad that I did. I love the packaging and all the great cards from the artist. Honestly this is great! Thanks ever so much!!

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Gift Details

December 19, 2023
2023 Broken Forum Secret Santa

