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Woohoo snail mail!

Gosh I love stickers! And everyone brings my kid stickers these days but gosh we can always use more! I'll admittedly likely use at least some of these for myself but whenever the kid's stash is depleted I'm sure these will be helpful too! The art of the card is lovely and the bookmark is great -- I did have to retie the tassle on the bookmark as it had detached, but it is lovely as well. My toddler loves mail and I'll definitely share the card with the kid when next I get the opportunity. I bet this bookmark will be appreciated by the toddler too as it is nice and big for small hands (plus has the keyboard keys which has all the letters and the kid loves letters!). Thanks ever so much!

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April 10, 2023
More šŸŒ Mailā€¦

