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Oooh a EUREKA Crate!!

Oh gosh my toddler wants to help me with this project so it is utterly perfect! I've started by reading some of the book that includes the instructions that comes with it and I'm really enjoying it at this point. I've only just screwed one screw in at this point too but I'll get there! My toddler does projects from this company for the correct age range so is super stoked that I get to do a project like this one for me! Thanks so very much!!! Edited to add: the kid helped me build this great lamp and I'm so excited to see it used! already it has lit a colouring adventure and is a great interactive spot on the table for the time being! Thanks ever so much!
OOOh and thanks for the additional box of awesomeness! I finally built the lantern/flashlight today and it is lovely!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Amazon Wishlist

