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I Went Shopping PC
User exchange
I Went Shopping PC

I Went Shopping PC

User exchange
Oct 22
Min spend $5
12 signups
Level 0
+50 XP


I thought it would be fun to see the prices of everyday items around the world.

For this swap, you will send one postcard or letter to one partner.

You will list the following items and prices on the card or in the letter: Bread, Cheese, Milk, Bananas. You need to list the size and the price. For example: Bread 500g $2.98. You need to do this for all items. If you have space left on your card or in your letter, you may add more items, but it is not required.

Important dates

  • Signups open

    Sep 25 at 12:00 AM UTC
  • Matching

    Oct 8 at 12:00 AM UTC
  • Shipping deadline

    Oct 22 at 12:00 AM UTC

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