User exchange

Kids Fall/Halloween Exchange 2023
User exchange
Oct 9 Min spend $20
4 signups
Level 6
+50 XP
Fall/Halloween Kids Exchange Calling all kids, parents sign up for your kids- whatever you consider ‘fall’ and/or ‘halloween’ holidays this is the swap for your kiddo. The description is pretty open as so many things happen in the fall, if you want to do Halloween- great, if you want to do “Fall” great, Day of the Dead- awesome, hayrides and apples more your thing? Your match has your back too. Please honor any noted allergies! Level 6 Minimum spend $20
Important dates
Signups open
Sep 4 at 12:00 AM UTCMatching
Sep 28 at 12:00 AM UTCShipping deadline
Oct 9 at 12:00 AM UTC
Current signups
Matches retrieved
Gifts sent
Success rate
Statistics by country
United States
- 4
- Domestic > Drop
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