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We are currently running a drive for donations to support us for the next year. We are staffed entirely by volunteers and our revenue tends to be less than our expenses. Support us by donating or by purchasing premium.
50 Before 50
User exchange
50 Before 50

50 Before 50

User exchange
Mar 4
Min spend $3
5 signups
Level 0
+50 XP


What is 50 Before 50? Essentially it is a list of 50 things that you want to have completed by the time you are 50.

You will send your partner a list of 50 items that you have, or would add to, you own 50 Before 50 list.

They do not have to be expensive or even that exciting, but they do need to be things that you want to do yourself. Examples are: try an avocado, visit Canada, learn how to put makeup on, learn Italian, go skinny dipping, and eat caviar dipped in gold.

Time until signups close


Important dates

  • Signups open

    Feb 18 at 12:00 AM UTC
  • Matching

    Mar 4 at 12:00 AM UTC
  • Shipping deadline

    Mar 18 at 12:00 AM UTC

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