User exchange

Kids Holiday Exchange
User exchange
Nov 29 Min spend $30
15 signups
Level 3
+50 XP
The equivalent of 'secret santa' but for the kiddo's because holiday time should be magical for kids! Parents sign up for your kids 0-18 or if you missed out on your childhood and are reliving the magic of the holiday season join us. Holiday time is magical and special. Share what holiday(s) you celebrate with your match and if you have any special traditions. Registration and matching is early so hopefully every family gets the gifts in plenty of time. $30 minimum , shipping right after cyber monday Please be aware of any allergies etc!
Important dates
Signups open
Oct 14 at 12:00 AM UTCMatching
Nov 10 at 12:00 AM UTCShipping deadline
Nov 29 at 12:00 AM UTC
Current signups
Matches retrieved
Gifts sent
Success rate
Statistics by country
United States
- 11
- Domestic > Drop
- 1
- Domestic > Worldwide
- 1
- Domestic > International
United Kingdom
- 2
- Domestic > Drop
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