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We have deployed a new major version of the platform (v7). In order to log in, you will need to reset your password.

LEGO with higher dollar amount

Level 0
Min Spend $50
+ 0XP
LEGO lovers unite this is a LEGO exchange with a $50 minimum. Discuss between your partner if you decide on one large set or several smaller sets. $50 is the minimum, we all know LEGO is expensive and this is an opportunity to match with LEGO lovers who understand some of the more sought after sets cost more money, Please communicate with your match about your collection. Yes you can sign up for your child, please be aware you could be matched with a parent signing up for their child. LEGO spans all ages, genders, etc. LEGO loves everyone- Be kind please.

Important Dates

  1. Signups Open

    Invalid DateTime
  2. Matching

    Invalid DateTime
  3. Shipping Deadline

    Invalid DateTime
This is a user exchange, hosted by a member of the Givin Gifts platform.


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United States


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