Givin Gifts Logo
We have deployed a new major version of the platform (v7). In order to log in, you will need to reset your password.

Highfalutin, hoity-toity, fancy-pants yarn exchange

Level 0
Min Spend $50
+ 0XP
You know what I’m talking about, this is for us snooty yarn folk, you LOVE the feel of merino, silk, pashima, cashmere, alpaca. Your eyes glaze over at your LYS or Etsy when you gaze upon those hand dyed small batch skeins. You don’t think twice about dropping $30 for a skein of yarn then realize you need 2 more for your project. Your projects are a work of art! Please respect your giftee allergies!! This is NOT for yarn from Jo-Anns, Michaels, Walmart etc. $50 USD min

Important Dates

  1. Signups Open

    Invalid DateTime
  2. Matching

    Invalid DateTime
  3. Shipping Deadline

    Invalid DateTime
This is a user exchange, hosted by a member of the Givin Gifts platform.


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Statistics by Country

United States


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You must be logged in to interact with an exchange.
