Givin Gifts Logo
We have deployed a new major version of the platform (v7). In order to log in, you will need to reset your password.

v4 is here!

Posted by Ethereal on April 2, 2022 at 12:33 PM UTC.

Account Page
There have been numerous quality of life improvements made to the account page, as well as the ability to toggle multiple settings. You can access these settings from the "Settings" dropdown on this page.
  • - Emails
    Toggle which emails are sent to you.
  • - Matching Preferences
    Disable or enable relative level matching.
  • - Rematching
    Disable or enable direct rematching. This defaults to off.
  • - Security
    Enable two-factor authentication.
  • - Site Preferences
    Select which font to use on the site. Our default, or OpenDyslexic.
  • - Social Media Visibility
    Toggle social media visibility on your public profile.
In addition, you can now access your global wishlist from here - which is where you put wishes that will be displayed on all of your exchanges.
My Exchanges
There is now a "My Exchanges" page (Exchanges > My Exchanges). It kind of does what it says, it displays your exchanges - so why not go take a look?
Reporting No Gift
You now have the ability to opt-out of rematching when reporting no gift and receive double experience in return.
Address Label View
When viewing a match, there is now an option to click "Print Address Label" which will take you to a page displaying only the address.
Dual Gallery Posts
If by some twist of fate you receive a gift from both your original gifter and a rematch gifter, you are now able to thank both of them with gallery posts!
Message Attachments
You are now able to send image attachments with messages.
Direct Rematching
v4 introduces direct rematching. If you enable this, users will be able to see you as a direct rematchee from the required rematchers page. From here, they can view your profile and decide to allocate with you instantly if they think they'd be a good gifter for you!
Private Exchanges
You now have the ability to add questions when creating a private exchange. We've also enabled report generation and the ability to remove users or delete an exchange.
The FAQ has received a revamp. Go read it!
User Interface
As you can see, numerous changes have been made to the overall user interface.
Coming Tomorrow
Some changes will be coming in a secondary deployment tomorrow:

Automated reminders to giftees to post, including a suspension if required. Applies to March batch onwards.
Awards (applies to March batch onwards).
Manage questions from premium exchange management page.
Shipping labels (purchasing).
Viewing a single reddit gifts post.
Coming Soon
Our mobile app is under development, and will be completed soon!