Givin Gifts Logo
We have deployed a new major version of the platform (v7). In order to log in, you will need to reset your password.

State of the union.

Posted by Ethereal on February 13, 2022 at 12:41 PM UTC.

It's time for another state of the union update.
Gifts Sent: 6,988
Average Value: $40.63
Total Value Sent: $283,912.85

Statistics for each exchange in terms of successfully sent gifts are available on each page. For example, Happy Holidays achieved a 91% success rate - and this is still ongoing. There are admittedly a couple of exchanges in the mid seventies, but the bad actors will be weeded out as a result of this.

However, when we take in to account the amount of people reporting no gift (success rate percentages get a little weird when both involved parties never send anything, or the person receives a gift but never posts it) - only 70 people are in need of a rematcher.

Now, we ban and suspend people with regularity. We're slowly but surely building up our database of bad actors.

Banned Users: 122
Suspended Users: 349
Blacklisted Addresses: 97
Policy For Received Gifts
Moving forward, a giftee will have a specific numbers of days from the close of the shipping deadline to post their received gift, where valid shipping proof was accepted for a gift. Obviously, we appreciate that some gifts will still be in transit - and will be taking this in to consideration.

Domestic: 7 days.
International: 14 days.
Worldwide: 21 days.

After this point, a giftee will be suspended until they comply with this policy - or provide a valid reason.
Policy For Sent Gifts (Rematch)
Moving forward, rematch gifters will have the same 2 week policy applied to them that standard gifters have, along with the requirement for proof, suspension, etc.
Policy For Received Gifts (Rematch)
Moving forward, a rematch giftee will have a specific amount of time from shipping proof being accepted to post their rematch gift in the gallery.

Domestic: 10 days.
International: 21 days.
Worldwide: 28 days.

After this point, a rematch giftee will be suspended until they comply with this policy - or provide a valid reason.
Policy Start Dates
These policies will fully take effect as of Feb 21st, 2022. We will be reaching out to parties this will impact ahead of time.
Social Media Policy
Whilst we will always allow constructive criticism on social media (e.g. Reddit, Discord) - there is a difference between constructive criticism and constant negative discussion from a person. In this scenario, if the person is not willing to work with us, we will be limiting their ability to post on our social media. Neither me nor my co-founder are willing to allow the volunteer members of our team be attacked for giving up their time, any longer.
You are now able to activate two-factor authentication from your account page.