Givin Gifts Logo
We have deployed a new major version of the platform (v7). In order to log in, you will need to reset your password.


Posted by Ethereal on October 13, 2021 at 12:00 AM UTC.

So, signups for rematching are now live and we thought we'd explain to you how the process works.

Signups for Receiving
You will be automatically placed into the rematching pool for receiving a gift if you meet one of the following criteria (assuming you haven't received a gift).

1. 7 days have passed since the shipping deadline, and your gifter has uploaded no proof of shipping that we are able to verify or provided an acceptable alternative explanation.

2. You have been informed by us that we will be placing you into the pool due to an issue with your gifter.

If we are able to verify that a gift has been shipped, but not received - at this stage, you will not be automatically be placed into the pool for rematching. Please liaise with your gifter and contact the courier used to ship the gift. If after this you still have no joy, open a support ticket and we will investigate.

Signups for Sending
You will be automatically place into the rematching pool for sending a gift if you meet one of the following criteria.

1. You have been informed by us that we will be placing you into the pool due to an issue with your giftee. Issues such as this can normally be attributed to an invalid address and no response from your giftee regarding a correct one.

In addition, you are able to manually signup for rematching 2 days before the shipping deadline of any exchange.

The shipping deadline to send a rematch gift is the same 2 week period as the standard shipping process. Please only signup to become a rematcher if you are able to send a gift, as it would be heartbreaking for a person to fail to receive something twice in the same exchange.